10 Low-Maintenance Plants for Gardens and Landscaping

You want to create a beautiful outdoor space but don’t want to waste time watering and pruning every weekend, which means low-maintenance outdoor plants should be at the top of your must-have list. Whether you’re starting a new garden or filling an existing space, you’ll find nearly indestructible plants with easy-to-grow habits, minimal needs, and stunning flowers and foliage.
With these low-maintenance plants, you can save time and money because you won’t have to waste time watering, fertilizing, pruning, and constantly replacing plants in your yard that aren’t growing. You just need to choose a plant that is suitable for a sunny, semi-shaded or fully shaded garden, and then make sure it is thirst or drought tolerant, depending on your climate. Don’t even want to deal with the yard? Don’t worry! Some of these 29 easy-to-grow plants can even be grown in pots on your porch year-round without requiring much care.
01 Russian Sage

In areas of new development, the top layer of soil peels off and the remaining rubble can hardly be considered soil. What crops can be grown in such harsh conditions? Start with a robust perennial that produces a cloud of purple flowers within three months of its first season. The only thing the Russian sage cannot live without is sunlight, which is necessary for healthy flowering.
02 Sedum (Stonecrop)

Sometimes hardy plants have a reputation for being aggressive, but drought-tolerant sedums always keep a close eye on their behavior. Also known as the rock plant, this plant can live for years without watering, dividing, mulching or pruning. This diverse genus offers tall and climbing varieties with succulent leaves that repel insects. Start with the extremely popular ‘Autumn Joy’ variety, which produces clusters of nectar-rich pink flowers in late summer.
03 Daffodils

Daffodils are one of those plants that you can randomly scatter across the landscape here and there, and after each spring they will look like a gardening genius as your flowers take off1. Plant deep in fall to ensure multiple profitable seasons; at least 4 inches below the soil surface. A small amount of bulb fertilizer is fine for well-maintained bulbs, but is not absolutely necessary for maximum performance. Space them a few inches apart to allow the colonies to grow over the years.
04 Hosta

For yards with little or no sun, hostas are the answer. These low-maintenance perennials require little to no maintenance, come back year after year, and are easy to propagate. Typically grown bare-root, hostas reach full mature size in three to seven years, and varieties range in size from small to large.
05 Coneflower

Echinacea is a cheerful perennial loved by butterflies, hummingbirds and bees. They tolerate summer heat and humidity, are unfazed by deer, and are drought tolerant. They represent ease. Additionally, since this plant is native to North America, it is a vibrant choice for those looking for a landscape that features low-maintenance native plants.
06 Peony

It may come as a surprise that one of spring’s most popular flowers is also low-maintenance. Peonies are one of the oldest garden ornamental plants, and for good reason – they can live up to 100 years. They need cold winters to put the plant into dormancy, however, once the plant grows again in the spring, the only care required is to stake the plant if there is too much flowering. When the weather turns cold again, remove the old foliage and you’ll be ready for next year.
07 Oak Leaf Hydrangea

Oakleaf hydrangeas are an easy-to-grow deciduous shrub that grows 4 to 8 feet tall and does well when grown in the ground rather than in pots. They prefer full sun to partial shade and grow best in moist soil. Trimming unruly or unwanted branches once a year is all you need to do to take care of those flowering branches.
08 Coral Bells

Adaptability is one of the best characteristics of coral bells, and they grow easily whether you plant them in a rock garden, container, border, or as a ground cover. With partial shade, well-drained soil and occasional defoliation, these vibrant leaves will add rich color to your garden. However, although coral bells will return within the first few years, they usually do not spend long periods of time lying down.
09 Canna Lily

The large, showy leaves and bright orange flowers of the canna may seem low-maintenance, but these showy flowers only require pruning in the spring and summer to keep blooming. Some people like to cut the flowers before they have a chance to bloom and enjoy the rich leaves instead.
10 Juniper

Juniper is a drought-tolerant, low-maintenance groundcover that, although associated with winter, thrives in both hot summer climates and colder locations. It has a reputation as a forgiving plant that is indifferent to soil type and thrives even in rock gardens and coastal areas. It is also resistant to pests, diseases and hungry deer and rabbits.