10 Plants for the Windowsill to Create a Charming Display

Window sills are often bright, but the space is small, so small indoor plants work well, especially if they like direct sunlight. However, there are some plants that are better to grow on windowsills than others.
“Choose plants with thicker leaves or waxy cuticles because they will be better adapted to warmer temperatures and stronger light,” says Lisa Price, founder of Root Houseplants.
To help you identify the perfect plants for your windowsill, we’ve collected several different species and varieties with the help of experts.
01 Burro’s Tail

Covered with pale green leaves, this plant is a perennial succulent worth growing and blooms with pale pink flowers. It’s native to Mexico and Honduras, so it’s happy to sit on a sunny windowsill where its long leaves remain undisturbed.
Price said he likes a bright spot where he won’t get hit.
02 Geranium

These plants do well in window boxes, but if you have a large window, they can bloom there too. This is because in many temperate regions, most geraniums grow as annuals.
03 Snake Plant

This is a classic houseplant and a favorite because it is so easy to care for. Because snake plants can cope with darker spots, they can grow well on windowsills that don’t always receive a lot of sunlight.
04 Aloe Vera

This plant grows well in covered containers. But it prefers full to partial sun, so you can easily care for this succulent on your windowsill. Just remember to water sparingly.
05 Hoya ‘Tricolor’

Hoya, commonly known as the wax plant, is a vine native to Asia. Price says this particular variety is great because it turns a vibrant red color when exposed to more light, making it a great choice for window sills. Hoyas are generally easy to care for and can tolerate a wide range of light conditions.
06 Spider Plant

Spider plant is a warm weather perennial. When grown indoors, it will survive in less than ideal conditions, such as lack of sunlight. Place this plant in a shady window.
07 Rubber Plant

Although this plant needs to be kept moist at all times, Price explains that it can dry out a bit between waterings. Thus, the rubber plant can tolerate some sunlight, making it a tropical houseplant that is easy to grow indoors.
“This is another houseplant with shiny leaves that loves light,” Price says.
08 African Milk Tree

The interesting looking succulent African milkweed prefers bright, indirect light. For this reason, south-facing windows will be very effective. Although the plant can tolerate full sun, it does not like temperatures that are too hot.
09 String of Pearls

This plant looks beautiful on a windowsill and can grow well in warm, dry areas.
“As a succulent climbing plant, string of pearls have leaves that are ideal for storing water,” Price says. For best results, water the string of pearls less.
10 Chinese Money Plant

This perennial flower is native to China and grows naturally in high places such as the Himalayas in this region. Chinese money plants can tolerate cooler temperatures at night, so placing them on an east-facing windowsill is ideal, Price says.