How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom: Dos and Don’ts

If you want to improve the feng shui in your home, start with the bedroom. The ancient Chinese art of arranging objects is a technique that some believe can positively impact your relationships, comfort, health and happiness.
According to Feng Shui principles, the bedroom is the most important room in your home. Feng Shui practitioners believe that simple changes such as placing mirrors in the right position and turning your head toward the bed in the right direction can create peaceful, balanced energy throughout the entire space.
Read on for tips on how to create feng shui in your bedroom and how to avoid negative energy from entering your sanctuary.
What is the best direction for the bed to face?
Arrange your bed in a commanding position. This means that you want your bed positioned so that when you lie in it, you can see the bedroom door without being in line with it. A good rule of thumb for bedroom feng shui is to position the bed diagonally from the door.
If this is not possible, place a mirror so that you can see the reflection of the door when you go to bed.
What should you put in your bedroom to achieve good Feng Shui?
When it comes to feng shui in your bedroom, take a “less is more” approach. In addition to a comfortable bed with soft sheets, a firm headboard and rug, get rid of everything you can. This means no clutter, no electronics, and no stubborn socks that won’t end up in your cart.
Which direction should I sleep in?
Feng Shui guides indicate that it is best to lie with your head facing south. The size of your bedroom and the placement of windows and doors will likely determine whether this is feasible or not.
Feng Shui principles in the bedroom
01 Position Your Bed

The first step to creating good feng shui in your bedroom is to place your bed in the right place where you spend a third of your life.
Position your bed in a commanding position. This means that while lying in bed, you will be facing the door, but you should not be in line with the door.
You don’t want doors opening right next to the bed. Especially avoid the coffin position where your feet are facing the door.
Place the head of the bed against a solid wall. If possible, avoid placing your bed under a window.
02 Get a Headboard

In Feng Shui, a headboard symbolizes stability and support in your life, especially in romantic relationships. The best headboards should be durable and free of holes. Opt for soft edges whenever possible and make sure the headboard is securely attached so you can literally feel it being supported and durable.
03 Declutter Beneath the Bed

If possible, completely clear the area under your bed so that chi (life force energy) can flow freely and evenly around the energy fields in the bed while you sleep, helping you recuperate overnight.
If you can’t keep this area completely clutter-free, pay attention to what you put underneath it. Love letters from your ex aren’t a good idea, nor are shoes that can subconsciously make you feel like you’re moving instead of relaxing. The same goes for luggage: Storing your carry-on under your bed makes you feel like you’re on the go, but it never feels like home.
It’s best to store soft items needed for sleeping, such as sheets, blankets and pillows. A small number of books may also be accepted if their title and content are positive. Place war novels and sad memoirs in another room.
04 Reduce Electronics

If possible, remove electronic devices such as televisions, computers and cell phones from the bedroom. Having devices that emit the highest amount of electrical and magnetic fields can disrupt your immune system and sleep.
Consider leaving your phone in another room, using a traditional alarm clock, and reading a book rather than endlessly scrolling before bed to wind down.
05 Create Symmetry

Use symmetry to create balanced energy in your bedroom. If possible, leave equal space on both sides of the bed to accommodate two nightstands and a table lamp.
Bedside tables don’t have to match, but they should complement and balance to create equal space for two people, helping the relationship become more harmonious.
06 Incorporate Neutral Colors

The best feng shui bedroom colors are neutral, non-stimulating colors. Choose beige, cream or earthy tones to create a relaxing atmosphere. If you’re looking for rejuvenation and vitality, try cool blues and light greens.
With little color, decorate with accessories associated with partnership energy: pink, red and white. These vibrant colors can be expressed through candles, crystals, artwork or linens.
07 Be Selective About Your Art

If you want your bedroom feng shui to encourage love and romance, place photos of your family in other rooms of the house. (Sorry, grandparents.)
If you are single and looking for partnership, avoid images of lonely people or objects. Instead, focus on bedroom art that features couples or two items in a photograph, or choose artwork that features pairs.
08 Move the Books Out

Books contain positive energy and stimulate the mind. Tall, overhanging pieces of furniture, such as bookshelves, can emit spasmodic energy.
To get a better night’s sleep, try removing books (and entire bookshelves, if you have them) from your bedroom. The book you’re reading is probably on your nightstand.
09 Banish Exercise Equipment

The exercise machines are very “yang”, that is, they are a source of active energy. While this may be ideal in other parts of your home, it doesn’t do much to help you fall asleep.
You want your bedroom to be more “unusual” to make it easier for you to relax and sleep, so it’s best to store exercise equipment in another part of the house.
10 Separate Your Bed and Desk

Placing your desk and work materials next to your bed can make it difficult to turn off email and focus on meetings in the evening, and can also make it difficult to maintain focus and attention throughout the day.
If you don’t have space elsewhere in the house to create a separate office, rearrange your bedroom layout to create a separation between your bed and work space. Consider hanging a curtain or screen, or try covering the table with a piece of cloth at the end of each day.