How to Feng Shui Your Desk

According to Feng Shui, your desk is one of the most important places as it influences and symbolizes your career. This applies to home offices, work offices or dens. If you have a coworking space, it’s especially important to have a permanent desk somewhere. It is very important to pay attention to the feng shui of your desk because your career is connected to your life path. So, even if you have a day job (or not!), you still have a reason for being, or as the French say, a reason for your existence. Your desk is a symbol of your life purpose.
Here are some tips and suggestions on how to feng shui water your desk to bring good luck and happiness into your work and life.
Feng Shui Desk Color and Material
When choosing a desk, material and color have a big influence on Feng Shui. Overall, a heavy and durable brown wood table is the most stable and ideal of all possible table materials. Also, before purchasing, pay attention to what attracts you, because you should like the table!
Combine colors and materials of the five elements depending on the energy you want to bring into your life.
Note. According to Feng Shui, glass tables are not recommended. They are very fragile and can cause everything in your work life to fail.
Earth element for stability and grounding:
Color: Brown, Yellow/Orange/Neutral
Material: wood or painted wood/composite material.
Metal elements for efficiency and clarity:
Color: white, gray and metallic.
Material: metal or painted wood/composite material.
Water element for network and flow:
Black color
Material: metal or painted wood/composite material.
Wooden element for growth and activity:
Color: green and blue
Material: painted wood/composite material.
The element of fire brings inspiration and glory:
Red color
Material: painted wood/composite material.
Feng Shui Desk Shape
There are not many different shapes of tables, but the most important thing is that the table fits into the space. The table should not be too large compared to its surroundings, but not too small so that there is not enough space for papers and documents. If you don’t have enough space to work, you won’t be able to grow in life.
Rectangular, L-shaped, and kidney-shaped tables work best.
Standing desks are certainly acceptable.
Side and back credenzas are good because they provide more support.

The Best Feng Shui Desk Position
The placement of your desk is important for good feng shui. The principle of command is important here. This means that when you sit at your desk, you can see the door without having to queue for it. This is usually a diagonal or “cat corner” from the door.
Sometimes this setting cannot be achieved. If it is not possible to put the table in this position, you can use a mirror to adjust the command position. Place a mirror, such as a small convex one, so that when you sit at your desk you can easily see the reflection of the door in the mirror.
And if you are in line with the door, you can hang a feng shui crystal ball between you and the door.
Feng Shui Objects for the Desk
You can place several feng shui items on your desk to attract different energies. Here are some you can try:
A living green tree beckoning to grow. Make sure it is the right size and chosen according to the lighting and space on your desk.
Fluorite is one of our favorite crystals. It is especially useful for focusing and expanding your mind.
Your favorite ceramic cup has a sturdy base and won’t tip over. This calls upon the energies of the Earth for self-care and stability. Use the cup regularly and keep it clean.

Feng Shui and Clutter
Keeping your desk tidy is beneficial, but clutter is not necessarily bad feng shui. As long as you keep things moving and your desk dust-free, clutter can be a sign of movement and flow. In fact, a table with nothing on it is very “yin”, that is, it has no vital energy. You will know whether clutter is a sign of life or a sign of stagnation.
We recommend a daily routine to declutter your desk. At the beginning or end of your workday, take time to organize your space. Clear your desk, clear your mind. This means organizing paperwork, putting things away, and more. When you actively move things around your desk, you are also enthusiastically working to organize your thoughts and mind. Next, use a spray similar to Palo Santo Mist to clear the air, then write down nine intentions.