My mom painted our entire house and shares her best painting tips.
These mom-approved steps will ensure flawless results.

When I think back to my childhood, I see myself sitting on the Blue’s Clues couch watching Finding Nemo, playing Slip-n-Slide, and sitting on the couch in the middle of the living room watching my mom paint the wall around me. .
My mother, a perfectionist, quickly mastered drawing skills after we moved into our newly built home when I was three. Soon after, I saw her painting a new room every day. She moves gracefully from paint bucket to paint bucket, flitting across tarps and rollers, and makes regular trips to Lowe’s for refills. Not only did she do 90% of the original painting on my house, but she has repainted countless amounts of almost every room over the years. My bedroom alone had to be repainted four times, and I have her to thank for my endless indecisiveness about color.
After watching her closely over the years, I’ve learned a few painting tips and tricks that will help me achieve the perfect result. Here are some of the best painting tips I learned from my mom—and whether you’re looking to apply a first coat or repaint, keep reading.
Proper Setup Is Everything
Mom never took up drawing without proper preparation. If you want to avoid splashes on your hardwood floors or stained tiles, take her recommendations to heart.
Start by moving any large furniture that is leaning against the wall to the center of the room. Cover these items with a large plastic tarp, as well as any exposed flooring near the walls. Use masking tape to tape baseboards and window trim, but don’t worry about taping the edges—she has a trick for that.

Edgers Are Your Friend
My mom’s favorite painting tool that you really need in your arsenal is a paintbrush. This amazing device is a flat surface that you apply paint to and can drag it around the edges of the wall for a clean finish. No more splatters and drips on moldings or white trim: the sharpener will help you take care of things.
This multi-tool is so easy to use and affordable that you can find it at any hardware or paint store. There are versions that attach to your hand or portable device. If you’re using a hand sander, be careful not to get any paint on the bottom rollers – otherwise you’ll end up painting where you don’t want it.

Don’t Oversaturate to Avoid Drips
There is a proper way to wet a roller in a tray, and my mom taught me her application technique after too many wet rollers hit the wall and splattered paint all over the couch. After dipping the roller into the paint a few times, roll the excess paint onto the back of the tray so it doesn’t drip onto the wall – thank me later.
Take Breaks, But Don’t Interrupt Your Groove
There is one part of my mother’s routine that turns out to be the most effective way to tidy up her room: taking only short breaks. Of course, if you’re feeling tired, need a snack, or just want a break to sit and look at your work, you should definitely do this. However, long breaks or stopping work early can disrupt the certain “flow” that occurs when painting a room.
My mom always finished the first drawing of all four walls (except the border) before lunch break. This method ensures that you actually complete the project, and there are many ways to focus your attention on the task at hand. Put on a good playlist, put on your painting clothes, and move purposefully around the room to achieve the cleanest possible finish.
Enlist Help
Although my mom always had to paint on her own, I found that the more rollers I had, the faster the job went. Two or three people painting a small room will cut the time in half, making the painter happier and the job more efficient.