The Best Colors for a Living Room in Feng Shui

Feng Shui is a mindfulness-based practice of how we can change the energy in our homes and lives by becoming more aware of the energy in our living spaces. Feng Shui is especially effective when the principles are applied to your home because your home represents you. When you live in a home that supports you, you can naturally grow in other areas of your life.
Living Rooms and Feng Shui
In Feng Shui, each room has a different meaning and connection depending on its use, mundane location, and energetic connection to certain aspects of our lives. When you think of your living room, or even the name “living room,” what images or ideas come to mind?
The living room is, of course, the room in which we live. In our modern homes, the living room typically serves as a place for socializing with family members, as well as a place where we welcome guests into our homes. You can also spend time relaxing in the living room, reading a book, or chatting with a family member. This practical use of the living room has a lot to do with the meaning of the living room in Feng Shui. From a Feng Shui perspective, the living room is truly a gathering place.

Color and Feng Shui
Color is a powerful tool that you can use to change the feng shui or vital energy of your home, especially the living room. Most of us humans are very attached to colors and are influenced by them. Color is a form of light, and different colors have different vibrations and associations.
In Feng Shui, we often use the five element color theory to provide insight into the best colors for a particular person and situation. The five element system we use in feng shui has its roots in Taoism. The five elements are earth, metal, water, wood and fire, and each element is associated with certain energies as well as certain colors.
If you have a desire to improve your living room’s feng shui, you might want to think about what colors might represent certain energies you want to cultivate in your life, based on their connection to the element of the year. You should also know what colors make you feel good and what colors you tend to gravitate towards. For example, there might be a color that you don’t like, or a color that brings back negative memories for you. Even if it is associated with a specific intention that you want to give, it does not mean that it is the best feng shui color for you.
There are many ways to bring color into your home. You can paint the walls or furniture, or add color in smaller ways, such as artwork, vases, accent pillows or other decorative items. If you’re feeling creative, you might even want to DIY some for your space.
The Best Colors for Your Living Room
Here are some tips on colors you might want to include in your living room and their meanings:

Earth Element Colors
Earth is associated with browns, yellows and warm earth tones. These colors can be especially beneficial for a living room because they are very nourishing. Earth helps to ground, stabilize, and bring warmth, all of which are positive qualities for a living space. Introducing more earth elements into your home can also help you connect better with the earth.
Metal element color
The metal comes in white, metallic, off-white and grey. These colors are great for a living room because they can complement many other colors. On a practical level, they help reflect more light into a space. The energetic element of metal is associated with the fact that it brings more joy into your life and also supports all the children in your family.
Water element color
The water element is associated with black and dark charcoal gray. Water is associated with our wisdom, as well as our ancestors and social connections. If you want to connect more with your community, you can use black or dark charcoal accents to further draw in the qualities of the water element. As you do this, you can also visualize or imagine that you are creating flowing rivers that connect you to other people in the world.

Wood element color
The tree is associated with the colors green, blue and turquoise and is associated with the qualities of growth, vitality and healing. If your home or living space could use more healing or uplifting energy, you can try adding color to the woodwork.
Fire element color
The element of fire is represented by the color red, as well as hot pink and orange. This is due to the very strong, bright and brilliant energy of the Sun. Fire is also associated with our inspiration and how we are perceived in the world. If you want to stand out more in your community, you can use bright red accents. Red is a powerful color, so a little goes a long way.